Charlotte Fellows Fall 2016 Update

Our newest class of Fellows!

Welcome to our 7th Fellows year! It’s hard to believe we’re at the six-week mark already.

Retreats, Papers, and Ultimate Frisbee Titles

One of the things we’re already thankful for is the great start we had at our Welcome Retreat. David and Catie Eller hosted the Fellows for a wonderful weekend at Lake James, and we loved every minute of it! It was a wonderful time of getting to know each other and having fun. And with two Tennessee alums in this class, we’re going to see a lot of orange this year.

When we returned from our Welcome Retreat, the semester took off like a rocket. The Fellows are busy writing their first papers for their seminary class, working hard at their internships, starting their professional development seminars, carving pumpkins, meeting other Fellows alumni here in Charlotte, and getting ready for the Micah 6:8 Biblical Justice Retreat in November.
But most importantly, we’re preparing to defend our title as the Ultimate Frisbee Champions! So if any of you have super Frisbee skills and would like to help train with us, let us know. We’d love to have you come play with us :) 

Our Ultimate Frisbee Championship Trophy, in all of its glory

The Times They Are A-Changin’

 The common theme so far for the Fellows and for me has been CHANGE. I imagine it’s been similar for you also. Fall always brings change. New schools, new schedules, and changing weather (we are very ok with cooler temperatures!) Our Fellows have been dealing with lots of change—new families, new jobs, new friends, new churches, new foods, and even new time-zones!
Some of us welcome and even crave change. But for many of us, it brings stress and anxiety. Most often it results from the belief that we have to muster up the strength to control our circumstances. Change can make us feel out of control or out of our comfort zone.
God’s provision for us in those times is the promise that He is squarely in the midst of all the change. He is ordaining all things that come our way, even if they seem to come out of the blue. It’s why He calls us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18to “give thanks in all things, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

The Lord of Change

 If we had it our way, most of us wouldn’t pursue change in our lives. We are happy the way things are. But God often brings radical change into our lives, and the good news is that it’s never haphazard or random. He uses it to transform us into the likeness of Jesus. It’s always a part of God’s plan to bring His Kingdom to bear on this world and to bring glory to Himself.
Here in “Fellows world,” we’ve been talking and praying through a lot of these thoughts and changes. We’re reminding each other of the truth of God’s word—that He is in control of all things. He’s not only a Sovereign King but a Good King. We can trust his goodness and kindness and rule in our lives. He loves us perfectly, and that love can drive out the fear and anxiety when changes threaten to unsettle us. God often makes us feel out of our comfort zone, that we might see our desperate need for Him. And that is a good thing!
I suspect in the next few weeks and months ahead, especially in the political life of our country, we’re going to need to remind each other of these truths. God is sovereign over every part of our lives and of this world. There is no part of this earth or universe that doesn’t fall under his rule and command.

Thank You for Your Partnership & Prayers

 One of the other things we’re most thankful for is YOU, our wonderful supporters and friends. We are very thankful to walk with you on this journey.
We also crave your prayers for this year. It is and will continue to be a busy nine months. Please join with us as we pray for our Fellows, for their hearts, and for their journeys that God is individually leading them on. 
And join us as we pray for each other in the changes of this upcoming year. Let’s continue to pray and encourage each other in who God is and how he works for our good and his glory!
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  1 Thess. 5:16-18
Keep walking by faith!
Love and prayers,